Q&A: I hate the taste of vegetables, what can I do?

ID-100191270Many people have told me over the years that they just don’t like vegetables. I understand that it can be a stark transition to move from a diet full of fried foods, treats, and rich meats to one of plant based sources, chicken and fish. But, whether you believe me or not right now, your body is craving these healthy ingredients too.

A study was performed on more than 1.5 million healthy adults who ate mainly whole-grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts, pasta, fish, rice, and poultry. This group had a reduced risk of overall early mortality and cardiovascular mortality, as well as a reduced incidence of cancer and death from cancer. Here is the good part I liked: they also found a reduced incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Weight Watchers has been successful over the years by having you count points for the foods you eat to regulate portion control. Recently, they came out with a new rule that you can eat all the vegetables you want—completely point free except for a few, like peas and corn. The reason for this is because such foods satisfy your hunger with the fewest calories. Your stomach will be stuffed, and it will be with food that gives you the most nourishment with the fewest calories possible.

I do believe it is possible to change your tastes and cravings, even toward vegetables that you once disliked. It takes commitment, consistency, curiosity, and even some creativity. If there are any vegetables that you do like right now, load up on them— especially leafy greens. A salad as your primary base platform for meal is great as long as you don’t add any cheese and always use a fat-free dressing.

Keep trying new vegetables in new ways. But, don’t forget the other plant based beauties – whole grains, peas, legumes, beans, and nuts. The “Prescription for Life” plan will help you learn the right portions of these options, as well as grilled chicken and fish. And of course, fruit makes the best snack.

Another report studied just exactly how many servings of fruits and vegetables you should eat. Is five a day better than one a day? Here is what was found in relation to stroke: eating more than five servings of fruit a day reduced the risk of stroke by 25 percent, as compared to those who ate fewer than three servings a day. Those figures make you want to place more fruit in your refrigerator for breakfast and snacks.

There will be foods you used to crave, that you will come to care less whether you ever take another bite of them. You will develop a desire for certain foods that you never thought you would care for. Many people have been astounded when foods that they once turned up their noses at have become favorites!










“Vegetable salad” courtesy of hyenareality at www.freedigitalimages.net