Are You Listening??

There are two types of people. Which are you?  Type one will hear the statistics and do something about it and type two are those who hear the numbers and continue life on as usual.  Which type are you? Listen to these stats and see if they tell you to do something you are not […]

If I Had Only Known….

I have had patients tell me: “if I had only known”. If they had only known what caused them to have a heart attack, they would have lived differently. If they had only known the real danger of smoking, they would not have developed lung cancer. Well, let me ask you a personal question. If […]

Prescription for Heart Attack Prevention

Have you had a heart attack or know someone who has? There are some numbers you should know to remind yourself or to tell your friend. So many people say they had a heart attack but it was just a “light one”, they say. “All the doctors had to do was just place a stint.” […]

This is the Police. We have you surrounded…

Not all fats are bad.  Some are actually good because they cause an increase in your good “hero” HDL cholesterol.  Think of nuts and fish and olives as being the most common foods that contain the good fats.  Those, plus weight loss and exercise help raise your HDL cholesterol.  HDL Cholesterol protects you by battling […]

A Mouthful of Splinters

Why is your total cholesterol number so important? It’s because most of that Total cholesterol number consists of the lethal LDL cholesterol. Why is LDL cholesterol so dangerous? The best example of understanding why it is so damaging to the walls of your arteries throughout your body is that of a splinter being stuck in […]

Read this before you fill that prescription….

The number one drug prescribed today is to lower your LDL cholesterol. When anyone states that your cholesterol is not important anymore, just remember that the medical community knows that it has been proven that getting your LDL cholesterol lower has saved thousands of patients from heart attacks and strokes. You can do this by […]

The Hidden Cost of Your Diet

Money can’t buy extra years for your life. The Bible states that a man’s money can’t keep him from the grave. All must die someday. But if you know a statistic from the medical literature, you will see that it is actually possible to buy additional years to your life expectancy. The following is a […]

Everything is “Just Fine”…

Do you know what it means when your doctor tells you that your “cholesterol is elevated”? You really should take a few minutes and study what your cholesterol numbers mean because there is one of those numbers that results in doctors prescribing you the most prescribed drug in America, and that is you LDL cholesterol. […]

ATTENTION: There will be no warning

Eighty-five percent of everyone over the age of fifty, have some significant blockage in the arteries of their heart, without experiencing any symptoms.  That is reported in the medical literature and is a scary statement.  They haven’t had the first pain in their chest.  They haven’t had any undue shortness of breath.  They haven’t experienced […]

Is that Cheesecake Organic?

“But I only eat free range beef and all organic foods.”  That was her response to eating healthy.  “I buy all my food at the organic food store.  All of it.”  You may think you are doing everything possible to keep your body running at peak performance.  You may be eating free range meat and […]